Information Q/A

You can find the questions and answers you may have in your mind here. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is a question you cannot find the answer to.

Is reinforced earth wall economical?

Compared to conventional retaining wall systems, reinforced earth walls are more economical in terms of reinforcement steel bar, concrete and workmanship. Especially in cases where wall heights exceed 4-5m, it provides 40%-50% economy.

What is the installation speed of a reinforced earth wall?

Reinforced earth wall systems are a structure consisting of panel installation and wall backfill manufactured in harmony. Thats why the speed of production is determined by the speed of backfill.

With an effective backfill production, 120-150 m² panel area installation can be completed in a day.

What kind of foundation is made at the bottom of the reinforced earth wall?

One of the questions we often encounter is the construction method of the leveling concrete at the bottom of the wall. Base leveling concrete is a 20x40cm sized, grouted concrete with a grout feature, which is made to ensure that the installation of reinforced earth panels is made on a flat surface. There is no requirement for a bearing capacity.

In how many days can reinforced earth wall panels be removed from the mold?

After the concrete is poured into the molds, the earth reinforced concrete panels are removed from the mold and kept in the storage area within about 24 hours after they have set and hardened to be self-standing.

Can bridge footings be constructed with reinforced earth walls?

Reinforced earth wall systems are flexible and durable systems. Nowadays, in important institutions of our country such as the Turkish Ministry of Transportation and Turkish State Railways, reinforced earth systems are frequently preferred for bridge abutments. The bridge beams can be placed on a support bench to be built and can be placed directly on the reinforced soil system. Thus, the system spreads the vertical loads from the bridge over a wider area at the base and minimizes ground improvement costs in problematic soils.

Can 90° corners be turned with a reinforced earth wall?

There are many types of panel types that can be produced as precast in the reinforced earth wall system. By producing panels at any desired angle, internal or external corners can be easily turned and aesthetic designs are made.

What is your experience in earth reinforced masonry wall construction?

Our expert staff, who have worked in Turkey and abroad, has been working on earth reinforced soil wall systems in Turkey for more than 20 years. Our company, which has completed approximately 400.000 m² of manufacturing for public institutions, municipalities and private companies, continues to work with on going projects.

With its expert Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineer Project team, Architectural design team making special architectural designs, Civil Engineers and Geological Engineers specialized in the application, Geotech Construction Company produces economical, fast and reliable solutions with its knowledge and experience in reinforced earth wall construction.